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Familia Alegrett

Policies and Terms...

Our License Agreement

You may use this free web template for your own website. We only have one small condition and that is you must leave our link in the footer area of each and every page, even if you create new pages based on this same design. If you publish this site to the web, you are required to send us an email along with your site URL. If you do not wish to leave the link to our site in place, you are required to purchase this template.

If you purchase this template, you may use this web template for one "entity." That is, you may use this web template as many times as you would like for yourself (for a public or an intranet site, for example), or you may use the web template as many times as you would like for a single client, but you may not use it for both yourself and the client. If you want to use this template for multiple clients, you must purchase the product each time you use it. You may use this template on multiple computers as long as all of them are for personal, internal, or educational use. Please refer to the full license agreement that was included in your original download package.

Template Imagery

The royalty free image used in this template is legally licensed for use with this web template only from ClipArt.Com. Images from are the copyrighted property of Jupiter Images Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of JupiterMedia Corporation, and are being used with permission under license. Please go to to license the images for use in other marketing materials.

  • Main image - 26682710

Support Policies

We take pride in offering complete customer support for our templates. We make them and know best how to fix problems that may arise. There are, however, some limitations as to what we can do:

  • We will support all template issues for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • We support all templates for six months after they have been removed from our catalog.
  • We may not offer free support for templates which have been significantly altered.

Refund Policy

Our web templates are classified as software and, as such, are usually not refundable. We gladly offer refunds on any items that prove to be incompatible with your particular computer configuration. If you have installation problems with any product, please contact us as soon as possible. We can help resolve the issue, repackage the template, or refund your purchase price.

Alfredo Alegrett © 2006 Pagina de entradaComunidadesFotosE-MailMensajes
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